BKST was born out of a very unique circumstance in 2018. A previous employer, like most baby boomers, decided to retire and close up shop after more than 30 years in the industry. With the assistance of a non-profit organization by the name of The Working World, we received funding, technical support and an amazing opportunity to keep the workers together, along with over 20 years of experience here in NYC, in the form of an employee-owned cooperative.
A democratic workplace has defined a new way to love your work environment, it’s a way to improve how companies operate and build a better future. Our team has unique skill sets that blend into our formula of success thus far, pride in providing informative and supportive customer service, technical and workmanship excellence in fabrication and installation, along with serving a one two punch of competitive pricing and a fierce turnaround time.

Located in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, building 12, enables us to have a sense of community and build business to business support. Logistically allows for smooth service to our regional areas, covering New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut. We do however welcome any opportunity to go outside of our jurisdiction for special assignments.